Dawn of A New Era-The New President Acceptance Speech.
An Given by Dr. Onyekachi Onubogu on his election as National President of the Federal Government College Jos Old Students Association in Abuja.
With utmost humility and gratitude to God, I accept the results of the FGCJOSA elections. I am both humbled and honored that you have placed your confidence and support in me and electing me as your National President. I feel blessed as I begin this new era in my life and in the life of our association. These elections reflect the supreme will of the almighty God, and an overwhelming sacred mandate of everyone that has voted within and outside Nigeria. I do not take this mandate, or the confidence reposed in me and the other executives lightly and I assure you that I will always endeavor to reflect the utmost will of everyone of you and lead this great association with compassion, honesty, and integrity.Read More
Our association indeed is a unique one. Not borne out of necessity or political exigencies but founded on principles that remain truly relevant today. FGC Jos (one of the Unity schools) was founded in 1973. The objectives of the Unity schools were to guarantee National Integration and Nation building among Nigerian Children by giving them the opportunity at a very tender age to live, learn and play together in an ideal educational environment.
This ideal as conceptualized by the founding fathers of this noble educational platform believed that once as children we lived, learned, and ate together it will in the longer term build national cohesion and unity.
Unity remains at the core of our very existence and indeed building an association that does not see ethnicity, religion, social class, or position will be the guiding ideal for this exco. Pro Unitate will guide every idea or decision we take. I pledge on behalf of this exco to seek ways and means to build on the foundation of unity established in FGC Jos 48 years ago.
Our nation today is beset with challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable, but I believe that working together and agreeing that a nation bound in freedom peace and unity remains the only way these challenges can be surmounted. These elections and indeed the excitement, passion and levels of participation has been exceptional and inspiring, so I want to start by thanking everyone that paid their dues and voted in these elections.
Voting has given us all the right to seat on the table and make decisions that impact on our school or school mates and our nation at large. Every vote that was cast reminded me that truly we believe in the viability of the association but more importantly on the need to build a bigger stronger body. Let me borrow the words of one our outgoing exco members ‘Our network is Our Net worth’ These elections have shown that indeed out net worth is much more than we have imagined or leveraged in the past.
I want to thank every previous exco member from the inception of FGCJOSA and by name I want to call them out Ms Judith Manven (Late), Dr. Bilkisu Magoro, Dr. Rotimi Olaniyan, Mr Mike Magaji. These great men and women have ensured that we are here today.
I pledge that we will ride on the shoulders of these great old students to build a stronger association. I will call on your support, wisdom, and guidance to steer this ship in the right direction and to constantly push us back on course should we drift astray. I want us to observe a 1-minute silence for our departed senior Judith and for all our colleagues who are no more with us.
I want to thank the outgoing exco. It has been interesting and inspiring to see how you have navigated the multiple challenges as a group we have faced especially in the lead up to these elections. Your focus on doing what is best for our association, the drive to be inclusive and to expand participation of more chapters and more students have been noteworthy. You are indeed handing over a stronger more united FGCJOSA than you inherited for this I say thank you.
I want to thank our able Campaign Committee, who worked tirelessly and informally to see us through. I specifically want to thank two people Snr Jumai Oduoza. This victory would not have been possible without her. Her support for the association and passion for what we are and can become is exemplary. Also, my Junior Ubong who took up the campaign passionately for the Lagos team Again I say thank you. I want to thank our Lagos chapter ably represented here in Abuja.
I want to thank my classmates in school (The graduating set of 1989). The support encouragement, unity in purpose and fervour with which you backed my candidacy was exceptional and for that I am grateful.
The run up to this election and the election itself tested the resilience, passion and integrity of our association but through dedication, focus and sheer passion we have pulled off the first of its kind electronic voting for a USOSA school for this we must be proud, and we must continue to serve as a shining beacon of light for other unity schools to follow.
The job before us is clear. We must build a stronger, financially stable association and position our association to face the challenges of modern digital future.
Our constitution must be amended to reflect current realities and make it fit for purpose and for the times. The chapter expansion goal of the last exco will be built upon and our goal will be to build a more inclusive association where everyone feels a part of. We must celebrate our own and use our successful old students as beacons of hope and inspiration to the broader group.
We must provide platforms that support those that are not doing as well as others but in doing this ensure everyone feels a valued part of the association. We must redefine our existence and our conventions and move the association from a place where the highlight of our meetings is an ebo to a group or think tank that influences public discuss and government policy using the wealth of talent that abounds in this association.
We must recognize and reward outstanding teachers and students and provide a veritable platform to build stronger mentoring avenues for us all (students and old students alike). We must position our association as the anchor on which USOSA is built.
These goals and ideals seem a lot and, in some ways, may look unattainable but when I see the quality of people that are part of this association, I know we will do even more than we have set out to do.
To every candidate in the election, I wish to congratulate you for the gallant contest. Our people have spoken overwhelmingly, and surely that loud voice is the voice of God. The ultimate winner is FGCJOSA. we are all winners. We need all of you to succeed. Elections aside, we are all brothers. Let us come together to grow our association.
My role as your President will be that of harnessing the great potential we have as a association and serving as a bridge between the past and the future. I will work diligently with my EXCO and all of you to make you profoundly proud of our Association.
Again, I say thank you for your trust and support. We will not let you down.
Long live FGC Jos
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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